
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

“Sugar-laden breakfast cereals supposedly sold as ‘low-fat’, corn starch-rich rubbish marketed as a ‘healthy’ alternative, should be outlawed”(video)

Food – it seems- has become the cause of a global epidemic that we all seem to be casually ignoring. The marketing of junk to kids, the rewarding of junk as a treat and or ignorance as to how this crap affects us is alarming.

But the debates surrounding the issues are complex. We don’t have enough of an understanding of them to offer an educated alternative in this forum, but what we do feel however is that money and greed seems to be put before people in countries around the world struggling with this ‘problem’. via Cherryflava

The blame seems to be squarely put at the door of the individual [as is the case in this HBO documentary called ‘The weight of a nation’], but what connection is being made with the lies that food marketers are selling people. Sugar-laden breakfast cereals supposedly sold as ‘low-fat’, corn starch-rich rubbish marketed as a ‘healthy’ alternative, should be outlawed.

Products packed for ‘convenience’ are killing people without them even realising that these are the things causing their illness. People are ignorant, but ‘trusted’ brands are not exactly helping matters. Do yourself a favour – next time you’re in the supermarket queue, look around at what people have in their baskets. It’s a bad habit of ours, but one we have difficulty resisting.

Our personal observation – if it comes in a package with bright colours, cartoon characters or ‘loud’ typefaces – it’s most likely crap.

Keep in mind however – that a lot of people are making a lot of money ‘solving’ the obesity trend at the same time. If you talk it up enough – you’ll convince a generation that they need to do something about it to solve the problem.

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