
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

“Hendricks Extraordinary Roving Bus for Exceptionally Refined Travel”…. Hotcow

Hotcow Insight …. In an effort to embrace the marketing success and social awareness that experiential activity offers, Hendrick’s Gin are currently pushing more of its budget towards experiential projects – using the insights it gains through social media to set the tone for each activity.

The famous gin brand carried out intensive research throughout early 2016 in an attempt to uncover more about its consumers – including what they like and dislike. The study found that curiosity regarding their local neighbourhood, and a love for travel were two things that their audience generally shared.

From there, Hendricks used that insight to create an experience in the form of the Hendrix double-decker bus, which they affectionately named “HERBERT” – “Hendricks Extraordinary Roving Bus for Exceptionally Refined Travel”.

Hendricks and Herbert

The bus travelled to Edinburgh in August, providing visitors with a delicious treat – their signature Hendricks and Tonic with a slice of cucumber. On top of that, passengers and interested visitors could also sip on delicious Hendricks-based cocktails, and snack on cucumber macaroons.

The senior brand manager for the Hendricks brand in the UK (Sam Bovill), said that the company was searching for a new way to interact and reach out to their customers on a level that truly resonated with them.

That’s why they built their experiential events on the interests that their customers shared – rather than simply pushing ideas chosen by the Hendricks team. In other words, the point of the campaign was to recruit more consumers for the brand by simply speaking to customers on their level.

Hendricks’ Popularity

Since the rise of popularity for gin in the UK, Hendricks has been keen to play up its own unique flavours and signature serve options in an attempt to stand out from the competitive crowd.

Though the company announced that they were pleased to see a new boost in the world of gin for the UK crowd, they’ve obviously had to up their game in order to stay ahead.

The experiential activities launched by Hendricks have given them a great way to show off what makes them different from other options on the market today – particularly with their famous cucumber serve.

At present, Hendricks is already working on coming up with its next big idea for experiential activity – again using the input and interests of their existing customers. According to the marketing team, the next experiential event should take place early in 2017.

Hotcow is a non-traditional creative agency that specialises in experiential marketing that goes viral. Our campaigns generate buzz through crowd participation, PR and content sharing.

Hotcow Experiential Marketing. Great experiences help brands be heard, be convincing and be unforgettable. We call this the Moo Woo Wow™ factor.

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