
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

Mapping the multichannel ecosystem – retailers, suppliers etc. / Internet Retailing Expo 2014

IRX 2014 PREVIEW The Top 500: why top retailers have market-leading operations and logistics

Internet Retailing is mapping the multichannel ecosystem – retailers, suppliers and people – starting with our Top 500 retailer ‘footprint’ and feature lounge at the Internet Retailing Expo (IRX) and we are welcoming your contribution to our latest project.

Join Ian Jindal, Editor in Chief, Internet Retailing for the unveiling of the Top 500 Retailer Footprint List, 16.15, Enterprise Theatre, 26th March 2014 and to receive your exclusive copy of the report.

This briefing session launches the Top 500 footprint list at IRX, as well as the criteria upon which we will research the ranking of these retailers in October’s Multichannel Performance Index.