The Honourable Woman review: a very human conclusion to a gripping thriller via @guardian
— Will Corry (@slievemore) August 22, 2014
Telegraph Review .. In last week’s penultimate episode of Hugo Blick’s truly gripping Middle East thriller The Honourable Woman (BBC2), a bomb went off, the heroine’s brother was murdered in front of his wife who immediately went into labour and the heroine herself was unaccounted for, presumed dead. And some detractors said it was slow.
Following the form of Blick’s beautifully taut thriller, you wouldn’t put it past him to kill off Maggie Gyllenhaal’s Nessa Stein an hour early, leaving the ship without its captain for the final leg of the voyage. But he didn’t. Always showing his workings (or just enough of them), Blick spirited her out of the bomb smoke and into yet another unfamiliar, dusty room, her clothes crusted to her back with dried blood, captive once more, and squinting at a small, high window, hoping for sunlight.
Although why she went to Hebron without security when she sleeps in a panic room at home in London remained unclear. After seven hours and 10 minutes of Blick’s dexterous yarn-spinning, I was too invested to care.