
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

Building and launching a WordPress website – whether for yourself or a client – is a lot of work

Building and launching a WordPress website – whether for yourself or a client – is a lot of work. Many different parts have to come together to form a consistent whole and create a successful site. With so many things in the air, it’s easy to forget a few of them.

While mistakes are almost always fixable, launch day should be a day of celebration and success for you and your client and not one of disappointment and frantic scrambling for solutions.

Get your checklist HERE >>>>


You might wonder: “Why do I even need a checklist?” You might think: “A good website designer/developer/implementer should know this stuff by heart, right? Are you really dependent on a crutch like a pre-launch list?”

Well, having a checklist puts you into good company: Pilots, astronauts, surgeons, and other professionals in high-stakes occupations rely on them to do their work and perform at the highest level. If it’s good enough for them, why not you?

Apart from that, having a checklist for reorder WordPress posts ,enables you to offload some of the mental effort involved in website creation onto a piece of paper (or a computer file in this case) and thus frees up some capacity for creativity, decision making, and other, more important things. Less thinking and dithering results in more action and higher productivity.

What’s not to love about that?

Furthermore, checklists help us break down a big task into smaller pieces, thereby making them less overwhelming and more organized. With a step-by-step list in place, it’s much harder to skip ahead or leave out something important. Besides, nothing is more satisfying and motivating than checking off points on a to-do list, am I right? I don’t know about you, but that’s what gets me out of bed in the morning.