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Writing an essay on your phone – good or bad?

We can make a video chat with someone that lives thousands of miles away, watch movies, listen to music, read books, read the weather forecast, and do many other interesting things on the mobile device. But, how about using it to write an essay or any other academic task? Have you ever tried it?

Since the invention of smartphones, they have become inseparable from our everyday lives according to write paper review.

People got used to managing almost everything with the help of phones.

We can make a video chat with someone that lives thousands of miles away, watch movies, listen to music, read books, read the weather forecast, and do many other interesting things on the mobile device. But, how about using it to write an essay or any other academic task? Have you ever tried it?

Nowadays, people got extremely attached to this device, and seem to do everything on it, even complete college writing assignments. Not to mention, it is much easier to go online on your phone right after the class and look for a paper writing service in USA to delegate an essay or research paper you just got as homework.

But it is quite difficult to tell whether it is a good sign, and people got adjusted to the development of technology, or whether everything is going straight downhill

If to think more about the usage of phones, you’ll come to the conclusion that are smaller copies of computers. Teens have got used to typing messages and sending emails through their smartphones, which is why they are capable of typing up a two-page essay on it faster than on a laptop keyboard.

Students need to come up with ways to balance studying, extra-curricular activities, and sometimes even a part-time job and succeed in all of those things.

Since they almost always have a phone in their hand, it is sort of begging them to be used for the writing tasks.

Just imagine that you have a burning deadline and are taking the next shift to be able to pay for tuition. Wouldn’t you spend any free minute that you get when working on writing at least a paragraph of the assignment that is due soon?

Read on to find out what are the main advantages and disadvantages of using a smartphone for writing an academic assignment.

Mobile Paper Writing Advantages

  • You can make notes at any time. Your creative juices get flowing when you are running, partying, or having lunch. Whenever and wherever you are, you always have your phone beside you, and you can easily take notes so that not to forget the idea that surprisingly popped into your head.

  • Get more moments to write. It is not so simple to carry a laptop with you so that whenever you get free time, you can use it to write. But with a phone, you can do it.

  • According to the Inside Hire ED, and mobile devices offer a great solution when students need to compose on the fly.

  • Time management. You will learn to use your free time a lot better and devote it to writing.

  • Improve your writing skills. Are you a non-native English speaking student? Or maybe you have poor English language skills? Having a phone around you at all times means that you have more time to improve your grammar, punctuation, and spelling. You can use the device to proofread and edit an essay even when on your way to a class.

Smartphone Paper Writing Disadvantages

  • It takes more time. If to compare typing up an essay, or asking for essay help on your phone and doing it on your laptop, then the second option will be faster. Even the most advanced thumb typist will agree that the old fashioned way it faster.

  • Lose of concentrate. You will not be able to concentrate completely on doing the academic assignment since the people or the situation happening around you will be bothering you.

  • Rude behavior. Imagine your best friend sitting at your dinner party and staring on the phone instead of talking to you and having fun. That’s not so great, isn’t it?

  • New difficulties. According to the Boston Globe  And paper writer,  some students find it hard to transfer a word file from their phones to paper. But this is just a minor difficulty. With some help and practice, you will be able to learn to do it easily.

  • Not easy to do research. When you have multiple windows open on your phone, it can get quite frustrating to navigate to the needed one. You’ll need to click back and forth to take notes, and it will take a lot of your time.

The Bottom Line

As you see, there are both advantages and downsides to writing an academic assignment on a mobile phone. It is solely up to you to decide whether you find smartphones to be a great help when studying in a college or not.

There is no harm in trying to write an essay using it, so do it, and you will figure out if it is a suitable option for you.
