
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

Why a Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy Could be Key to Your Success

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Reaching your customers online has never been more important, particularly in recent years where technology has catapulted us all into a time when everything is available at our fingertips. Finding a way to cut through the noise and expose your brand to the right people at the right time isn’t always easy, but by creating a multi-channel marketing strategy, you could increase your chances of your online business becoming more successful.

In today’s digital world, there are many different channels you can use in order to widen your brand’s reach and increase sales or other business goals. Together with more traditional marketing campaigns, it’s key to piece together a strategy that works for you. talk us through this in more detail.

Updating your branding

It’s key before embarking on any marketing campaign that your branding is spot on, and relays the exact message you want your customers to hear or see. Your brand is the foundation of any marketing material or strategy, so it deserves a little attention.

From a total rebrand to a little refresh, making sure your branding is up to date can be a huge step in the right direction before you embark on a multi-channel strategy.

Finding your customers

The vast choice of marketing channels means that your customers can sometimes be harder to find and target when it comes to advertising your business. A multi-channel marketing strategy could help you to increase your chances of putting your brand in front of the right customer who’s more likely to engage with your business.

However, it’s important that this approach is cohesive and consistent, sending out a similar message across your chosen channels. After all, your customers could be searching on both Google and social media, or just one. This unified communication can help to engage your audience and build the right sort of online presence for your brand.

Choosing your marketing channels

A multi-channel marketing strategy doesn’t mean you have to cover every avenue all at once. Instead, it’s important to recognise where your brand has the most chance of succeeding and making an impact. Depending on your target audience and your marketing goals, consider which channels make more sense.

Today’s marketing strategies can encompass both traditional and digital campaigns, utilising a number of mediums to get your message out there. From crafted PR events to PPC advertising, you can bring together a mixture of platforms to drive your success. 

Reaping the rewards

It pays off to follow a multi-channel marketing strategy, if you get it right and remember to measure your results. Having an overall direction and organised management of your strategy are both important, whether it’s done in-house or by an experienced agency. Creating something with substance that can yield real results for your business is the ultimate goal, through strategic thinking combined with creativity.