There are periods when working seems like the most challenging thing on Earth. As a rule, this is the same period when there’s so much work to be finished, and our bosses become impatient and eager to point out our lack of productivity.
Even in calm periods, we find ourselves struggling with finishing tasks, meeting deadlines, and following schedules. This often happens because we lack motivation and get distracted by our surroundings. We cope with every little detail and look for a way out.
Success comes with dedication and persistence. If you want to be successful, you need to fully use your time at work and be as productive as possible. That’s what we’re talking about in this article – we’re focusing on the five main solutions to make you more productive. Follow up and learn more about raising your productivity at work.
1. Don’t starve yourself and drink enough water
Coffee is a diuretic and will easily dehydrate you. Many people would drink three cups of coffee in the morning but not have breakfast. This is entirely wrong when it comes to your productiveness and ability to focus on tasks, and it is the same with water intake.
Have an early breakfast and drink a lot of water. Coffee is fine, but you need to consume ingredients full of minerals and vitamins if you want your brain to function perfectly. With the right amount of healthy food and water, you’ll be easily focused on the important tasks and finish them in no time.
2. Install a productivity and time-tracking app
Did you know that millions like you out there cope with distractions and try to remain focused on finishing their work tasks? Everyone’s looking for a solution, which is why smart app developers created time-tracking and productivity apps.
High-quality Time Tracking Software will tell you exactly how much you’re spending on each task, and how much time it takes to finish all the tasks. This introspection will help you understand where your time is going and how to better manage it.
The remote worker time tracking app is widely used by freelancers and remote workers to help them manage their time better and stay on track with their tasks. These apps not only track your time but also provide insights into how you are spending it, allowing you to make adjustments and improve your productivity.
Many different apps all focus on something different, providing various features. All you need is a simple time tracker. Something to show you how much time you’re spending on actual working and how much you’re wasting on something else. This will help you cut corners and get to your goal faster.
3. Small but often breaks can be productive
Your mind is the only tool that helps you achieve what you’re aiming for but is also preventing you from doing it. As humans, we’re not used to doing hard mental work for hours. We were created to move in nature constantly, so the modern way of working makes you tired very fast.
Work hard for 30-45 minutes, and then take a five-minute break, but don’t spend it on your computer or smartphone. Go into the cafeteria or in the yard. Hang out with people and share a laugh with friends. This is enough to reprogram and rewire your brain so it can focus on details for the next 30-45 minutes. An app we mentioned previously can significantly help you with this by notifying you about the time.
4. Find the perfect music that will energize you and block distractions
When you’re working in an ocean-type office or inside a cubicle with multiple people around you all making noises, it may be tough to concentrate on stuff. Get yourself a Bluetooth headset, which you’ll connect to your smartphone and play some music perfect for you.
Every person is different and will find themselves more productive by listening to different genres. You may experiment at the beginning, but once you find the perfect surrounding noise blocker, you’ll enjoy listening to great music and being highly productive.
5. Install an essential oil diffuser and fill the room with the right scent
This one may be tough if you’re working in an office with many people, but it is perfect for those who work remotely from their homes. An essential oil diffuser filled with the right essential oil can significantly raise your productivity.
There’s a scent for everything. Essential oils are known as excellent mood changers. If you want to be more productive, get yourself some lemon, bergamot, or basil oils and fill the room with this aroma. You’ll soon find yourself hyped by the scent and easily focus on your tasks, finishing everything quickly and without mistakes.