
Time-Tested Tips for Business Owners Who Want Their E-Commerce Sites to Keep Running Smoothly

E-Commerce Sites

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Running a successful business requires dedication, hard work, and much time. It is a never-ending process that often takes years to achieve success. 

You need to know how to run your day-to-day operations for your business to thrive. 

This blog post provides some tips on how to increase your eCommerce site’s longevity and growth potential by keeping it running smoothly.

Table of Contents

Invest in the Right Platform

Choosing the right eCommerce software for your eCommerce site can make all the difference between a successful store and one slowly dying. 

A good example of a reliable platform would be Shopify.

It’s one of the most commonly used for startups and small eCommerce sites due to its ease of use and advanced features. 

It helps you create your store within minutes, host it quickly, and start selling right away. Shopify also offers secure payment options, social media integration, and an entire app store. 

These are all great things to have in an eCommerce platform if you’re running a young business or starting with your first store.

Paid platforms have the best support and comprehensive features, such as reliable Search Engine Optimization (SEO) audit tools.  

With a paid platform, you’re always ensured of assistance whenever you need it. (Almost always, at least.)

If you have a technical problem on your site, people are available to get in touch 24/7 to help you out.

Ensure Your Website is Mobile-Responsive

It’s not enough to know how to write amazing content.

eCommerce sites today are expected to be mobile-responsive. mobile-responsive. 

This means the eCommerce site needs to respond well across various devices, browsers, and operating systems.

This is because people increasingly use mobile phones and tablets when they shop around. 

You’re losing customers if even a fraction of them don’t have a chance to shop on your site because you can’t support their devices or browsers.

Another reason why mobile responsiveness is quickly gaining momentum is that Google prioritizes mobile-responsive pages when indexing content. 

If you have a mobile-responsive store, people expect to find relevant and valuable information when browsing your store.

If you plan to use a paid eCommerce platform, expect to invest around $100 to get a site that’s mobile-responsive.

Research the Tools You’re Using Thoroughly

Using the wrong tools and services for your eCommerce site can be costly, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. 

Not to mention, they could also cause unnecessary delays and errors.

For example, you might consider investing in Instagram tools to implement your interaction post ideas for social media marketing smoothly.

That’s great and all but you need to make sure they’re compatible with your eCommerce site, or you might spend money fixing the problems on your site.

Be sure to conduct thorough research on the pros and cons of the tool you plan to use, whether paid or free.

Doing this gives you an idea of whether it’s worth investing in for your business needs.

Run Surveys Whenever You Can

Your customers are a wealth of information.

By asking for their feedback, you’ll be able to understand their needs and the overall breakdown of how your eCommerce site is performing. 

It’s also a chance to improve or tweak your product or service offerings, given the results of these surveys.

Get in touch with survey companies like SurveyMonkey, PollDaddy, Survicate, or Google Forms.

Leverage robust customer database software to store, manage, and track details and interactions with your consumers.  It makes it easier to find and reach out to your customers when running surveys and asking for feedback.  

You could also use various employee survey tools to learn more about your employees. 

These tools help you keep track of their key performance metrics, the general satisfaction of your staff, and the issues that need to be addressed.

Upload Content Frequently and Consistently

If you’re not actively updating your eCommerce site with fresh content, you’re going to lose a lot of customers – especially people interested in making purchases today.

Most people use the internet for product information before buying anything online. 

Many of them will check out your store and look for the “Contact Us” or “About Us” pages to know more about your company and what makes it different from other stores.

If you’re having trouble keeping your site updated, you may want to buy SEO articles and content online. Ding so ensures you have a constant stream of fresh and search engine-friendly articles.


1. What’s the best eCommerce platform for new entrepreneurs?

This depends on your specific business model, goals, and budget. If you’re planning to sell products or give low-cost services initially, then Shopify is a good platform. 

It’s easy to use and has many features to help you grow your business.

If you want more advanced options such as multi-currency support, inventory tools, and advanced reporting features, then Magento is the way to go.

2. What’s a good eCommerce platform for online businesses?

This is also dependent on your specific business model and your budget. If you want to start with a free platform, then go with Magento or Big Cartel.

With Magento, you’re guaranteed features that only come with paid platforms, such as custom themes, third-party extensions, and support for multiple languages. 

However, it does have a steep learning curve.

Keep Your Site Running Smoothly

Running an e-commerce site is not easy. It can be a lot of work and take up a lot of time, but if you do it right, you’ll have a thriving business for years to come.

The key to success is knowing what works and what doesn’t work. 

If you have any questions about what we’ve talked about today or need help with something specific, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We’re here to help!