If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have a will. And that’s perfectly fine – unless you die. If you don’t have a will, the state in which you live will determine how your assets are distributed upon your death. This means that your wishes may not be carried out and your loved ones may not receive what you wanted them to have.
Writing a will online is simple and easy and helps to ensure that your wishes are carried out exactly how you’d like. It’s also much cheaper than hiring a lawyer to draw up a will, and it can be done in the comfort of your own home.
Still not convinced? Here are six reasons why you should choose online wills over taking the traditional route of doing it.
Let’s dive in!
Online will writing is quicker and more convenient
Writing a will doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. You can do it in an afternoon and you don’t even need an attorney or notary present. With an online service, all you need is internet access and about an hour of free time.
Flexible and easy to update
Another key benefit of writing a will online is that it’s easy to update and change as your circumstances change. If you have a baby, get married or divorced, or experience any other major life event, you can simply log in and update your will to reflect your new situation.
This flexibility can be a lifesaver if something unexpected happens and you need to make changes to your estate plans.
An easy way to protect your loved ones
You can include everything in your online will, from who you want to receive your assets to what you want to happen to your pets.
Another benefit of writing a will online is that it can save your loved ones a lot of time and stress. Having a clear, up-to-date will makes the probate process much simpler and smoother for those left behind. This can be especially helpful if you have a complex estate or if there are disagreements among your heirs about how your assets should be divided.
You can do it at your own pace
One of the great things about writing your will online is that you can do it at your own pace. You don’t have to feel pressured to finish it all in one sitting, or even in one day.
You can also save your progress as you go, so you don’t have to worry about losing anything if you need to take a break. This can come handy if you have a lot of assets or a complex family situation. The idea is to take one step at a time to make sure that everything is accounted for.
Save a lot of money
Hiring an attorney can be expensive, and if you don’t have a complex estate, you may not need one. Writing a will online is much cheaper and can be just as effective.
For starters, when you write a will online, you can avoid probate entirely, which saves you both money and stress.
On costs, some online will-writing services charge as little as $20 or less. That’s a small price to pay for peace of mind and the assurance that your wishes will be followed after your death.
You also won’t have to worry about the cost of paper or postage. In addition, many online will services offer free storage of your documents, which can give you peace of mind knowing that your will is safely stored away.
Write your will privately
When it comes to our final wishes, many of us are reluctant to share them with anyone – even our closest family and friends. This is perfectly understandable, as we all have different ideas about what we want to happen after we die.
Thankfully, there’s now a way to keep our final wishes private while still making sure they are carried out exactly as we want. Writing a will online means that only those who need to know about our wishes will have access to them.
This can be a good way to keep your plans for your estate private and to avoid family arguments.
Overall, there are many benefits of writing a will online. It is a convenient way to get your affairs in order and ensure that your loved ones are taken care of according to your wishes.
What’s even better is that it’s super affordable and can be done in a relatively short amount of time. If you have not already written a will, we urge you to consider doing so – it could be one of the best decisions you ever make!