

Linked Influence / Who else wants to create long-term engagement and ROI from integrated social media All about Will Corry : The UK Content Curator / Brand Journalist Using Linked Influence to get results for B2B clients at theMarketingblog from purple penguin

7 Steps for creating an integrated social media strategy

Hear Dave Chaffey at Technology For Marketing & Advertising.  (TFM&A) is the UK industry’s largest and longest running event, delivering superior content, solutions and networking to enhance your multi-channel marketing & advertising strategy.

7 Steps for creating an integrated social media strategy Read More »

Who else wants to learn something positive or meet someone new at TFM&A?

There are plenty of networking opportunities onsite at TFM&A in the Networking Bar, where great minds come together to discuss the latest advancements and opportunities in the marketing and advertising industry.

Who else wants to learn something positive or meet someone new at TFM&A? Read More »

Why is the same social network so appealing to crafters in one country and venture capitalists in another?

Check out the visual breakdown  If you’ve spent any time on Pinterest, the hottest new social network since sliced bread, you might have noticed its popularity among certain demographics — namely, women who are into fashion, weddings, home decor and

Why is the same social network so appealing to crafters in one country and venture capitalists in another? Read More »