
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

Next UKIP leader runners and riders – Guido Fawkes

  • Paul Nuttall – Tells Guido he is taking soundings. Would be a strong candidate to take forward the Red UKIP strategy of fighting Labour in the north. His coveting of the job did not go unnoticed by Team Nige over the last few months. Hopefully he wouldn’t have to give up his Sunday Sport column.
  • Steven Woolfe – Says to Guido that he will make a decision once he has consulted with his wife. Stayed noticeably neutral during the UKIP wars of last May, could he be the unity candidate? One of UKIP’s better TV performers, he is ambitious and has the back story. Expect him to run.
  • Diane James – Touted as a future leader for years, had once been seen as a major rising star but is partial to a gaffe. Nige has always said UKIP’s next leader could be a woman.