
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

Details Make a Difference: How Small Touches Can Strengthen Your Brand

When you’re trying to figure out how to maximize your customer base, always return to the brand, because that’s what people remember. Whether you spend much time on your marketing plan or not, brand recognition is essential in the busy global marketplace of today.

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean finding a clever logo or boasting expensive packaging to enhance the buying experience for customers. Rather, it’s all about the details that go into the sales you make, and how effective you are at creating a positive, seamless consumer experience.

1. The Inside Matters, But So Does the Outside

Product is important, but what holds the product has just as much significance when it comes to a full consumer experience. When your customers decide to do business with you, the bottom line expectation is that you’re going to have a stellar product if they’re buying. Don’t stop there, though. For example, The Guardian reports that Britain is crazed for takeaway carried in luxe packages. Gone are the days of greasy paper wrapped around fish and chips carry out, stuffed into a nondescript bag. Customised carrier bags are all the rage for every industry. Check out website that offers a decent bag selection that you can easily adapt to your own purposes. You also don’t have to pay an outrageous sum for carrier bags on the classier end of the spectrum. Going with something minimalist is a great way to retain elegance, but also not break the bank.

2. Making Unpacking an Experience

The eCommerce giant Shopify provides some excellent tips about what it’s like for creating a memorable unpacking experience for customers. Following the trends of eCommerce companies when it comes to the aesthetics of packaging is a wise choice, since these businesses depend solely on the brand experience via online stores and packaging that has a single chance to make an impression.

You should think of your brand the same way, and what the customer will experience when they get home and take a purchase out of their carrier bag. Other elements that factor in heavily in this process is any other packing materials, such as tissue paper or boxes. Carrier bags, though, provide the ultimate reminder to consumers that they’ve shopped at your business. Bags are the outer shell of a purchase, and unpacking it at home can recreate a positive experience. Carrier bag handles, for example, should be made of a durable, strong material that doesn’t make the person hauling it around need to transfer their purchase to another bag. Paper bags with flat handles are good choices for lightweight merchandise, whereas you’ll need something a bit thicker for heavier items.

3. Considering Colour Psychology

Entrepreneur covers the importance of colour psychology when creating logos and developing a branding campaign, citing the fact that particular hues can elicit related emotions. For example, whereas coral conveys sensitivity and compassion, bright red is synonymous with sexiness and passion. This is one thing to keep in mind when you’re choosing everything from the colours in your logo right down to the type of packaging that you use for your products. If a customer is toting around your carrier bag after they make a purchase, it’s still totally capable of eliciting a particular kind of response. While emotional engagement is a powerful way to connect your product to a consumer, you also don’t want to inspire the wrong kind of emotion. For example, if you’re selling high end designer clothing, using a colour like brown which is associated with ruggedness wouldn’t be the right choice, according to Entrepreneur.

Although most of the time responses to colour does vary widely from person to person, making sure that your palette selections reflect the oeuvre of your brand is essential. If you’re providing a product or service that’s based on friendly and open customer service, having a slick black logo probably isn’t the ideal choice, since it conveys ideas of status and exclusivity.

The saying the devil is in the details exists for a reason, and that’s because it’s true. Customers notice small things, and many elements of a branding experience such as colour or logos can work on a nearly subconscious level. People have strong emotional associations with colours and shapes, and they also develop further physical associations with a business once they experience a product or packaging in person. This is why it’s essential to make sure that you get all the details right, and take every possible thing into account that can have an impact on your customer.

Doing business with a company mirrors the arc of developing a human relationship. Your customers will slowly start to establish a rapport with your brand based on their interactions, experiences, and emotional aesthetic associations, and you want to make sure you’re ready every step of the way.