
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

This is comfortably the most revolting ad of this (or last) year

Hear a baby crying in an unattended stroller on the street? Of course you should investigate it. Just be warned that said baby might be part of a viral marketing stunt that will scare the living bejesus out of you.

Behold, the most disturbing-yet-hilarious thing you’ll see all week. In this viral video, which racked up more than 4.8 million views in one day, a freakish animatronic infant — known as the “devil baby” — terrorized unsuspecting New Yorkers. 


Billed as a supernatural horror film from 20th Century Fox, ‘Devil’s Due’ is the story of  a newlywed couple finds themselves dealing with an earlier-than-planned pregnancy that must have happened during a night of their honeymoon which is mysteriously missing from their memories. As the wife’s pregnancy progresses it becomes clear that whatever is gestating inside her is malevolent. Basically it looks like the plot of ‘Breaking Dawn’ if it hadn’t been written for tween girls and lonely housewives.