
Laughter Spots from Billy Connolly plus a special bonus – four great laughter lines

  1. At a meeting of the Commonwealth Heads of State in London, the Queen Mother was standing next to the King of Tonga outside Buckingham Palace, when suddenly, one of the horses of the Household Cavalry farted very loudly.Turning to the King of Tonga the Queen Mother said, “I’m sorry about that.””I thought it was the horse,” replied the King of Tonga.

  3. Whilst waiting anxiously at the bar for her first date to arrive, a woman struggling to control her nerves farted loudly, causing people to look at her now blushing face.Quick as a shot the woman turned to the Barman and said, “Stop it!””Which way did it go,” the Barman replied.


Four great laughter lines

  1. My mother-in-law has just finished a 12 hour shift. I knew she would find first gear eventually.
  2. My computer crashed and now my wife’s computer has slowed down to see what’s happening.

  3. She drove her car into a river. One minute Kia. Next minute Nokia.
  4. Two cows in a field. One says, “You must be worried about Mad Cow Disease.” The other replies, “No. I’m a helicopter.