
Rovio’s IPO … Angry Birds’ growth and relative popularity … Verto Analytics

Rovio’s IPO. We thought you might find these data and insights from Verto Analytics on Angry Birds’ growth and relative popularity useful [Editor]

  • Monthly US visitors (aged 18+) to the raft of Angry Birds’ titles has tripled over the last year from 2.0 to 5.9 million (to July 2017)
  • The two most popular titles, Angry Birds (2.1m) and Angry Birds 2 (1.4m) have grown in popularity by 351% and 128%, respectively. Although the former is down from a peak of nearly 3 million between Feb-April this year.
  • Verto Analytics’ Connie Hwong, “However, even the most successful Angry Birds titles still lag well behind flagship offerings from their biggest rivals: King’s Candy Crush Saga has 10.2 million monthly uniques and Supercell’s Clash of Clans has 5.6 million.”
  • “King and Supercell have exercised greater restraint in rolling out expansions or sequels to their existing mobile games franchises; Candy Crush has a handful of sequels while Clash of Clans has just one spinoff, Clash Royale. Is a smaller, more carefully edited catalogue of game titles a better bet for mobile game companies?”