You are more than likely spending valuable management time on creating interesting articles. All well written. All with an important message. All designed to get you new business. All probably getting you little or no extra exposure.
They deserve to get more ongoing exposure across as many extra platforms as possible. Especially in 2013. You should look at syndicating them into six of theMarketingblog stable of targeted sites + serious exposure in our award winning 65,000 reach newsletter.
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We would also spread your articles across various social sites. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google + etc. We are now over 2,000 targeted followers on Twitter and over 1,100 on LinkedIn
We can load specific articles for you for a low, low production cost. It’s great value, very powerful and a no brainer! We can also get you ongoing coverage of the right type ( two articles per month ) right through to early June 2013. It’s real blanket across the board coverage. Again at the right price.
If you are interested let me know 01784 434 412 – and I will get into action right away and get your story (stories) extra exposure. So very important in today’s cluttered market place. E mail me or call me for a chinwag and I can explain it further in three minutes flat! Your time will be well spent – that’s a promise.
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Will Corry 01784 434 412 Call today – your time will be very well spent.